Prices of all real-estate have risen substantially in the past 15 years and the people's purchasing power for houses decreases each moment.
The available solutions for this problem, such as loans or saving plans, represent a real financial threat, bringing people to the point that buying a house becomes the main purpose of their life, using all their capital for buying a residence instead of enjoying their holidays, travelling or time with their famillies.
A unique currency solely for the aquisition of real-estate which is constantly increasing in value due to it's demand.
While fiat money is in constant devaluation, the more time you are saving up, the less capital you actually have, while the CRH Token's value rises with each unit sold.
Through our CRH Token - one of the first alternative payment methods for real-estate!
Vezi Prezentarea VideoCRH Token is and will only be available in a number of 10 milion units. The less Token available, the more valueble it is.
See the complete explanation from Arpad Pușcaș, Founder of Crypthouse, and Edward Aurori, CRH Sales Director.
Click hereHome with Cryptohouse
Given by is's constant increase in value, financing ongoing real-estate projects and offering the possibility of paying for a house with a much smaller amount of money in a shorter amount of time.
Simplified, it gives people the opportunity to pay for a house in only 2 to 3 years with a only a fraction of a price.
A team of specialists in the alternative payment method industry and real-estate.
Seeing that real-estate market is harder and harder to access by the general public we created a plan which anyone can use to buy a house.
Download our Whitepaper and see how we plan to revolutionize the whole industry and what advantages being a "CRH Stakeholder" can bring.
Download PDFCalculate the amount of CRH Token that you need to have in order to buy yourself a house, invest the desired amount and enjoy the constant value growth as the Token is being transferred in real-estate.
The Token is available in 6 different bundles of different value.
This represents the smallest bundle at the moment, with an affordable price for anyone.
The 500$ bundle opens the marketing plan (as every plan above this price does) and it represents an excellent choice for those who want to invest more in the future but require time to familiarize themselves with the platform and the Blockchain environment.
The 1000$ bundle is a great top-up tool which, acquired frequently, can serve a great benefit as a leading payment for a house.
The 5000$ bundle represents a solid piece of investment, and assures an accelerated and profitable growth. Studio or apartment, for personal use or pasive income from rent, a bundle of this value takes you closer and closer to purchasing the wished property.
The 10.000$ bundle is the perfect one for the determined and confident investors. Even in short and medium periods of time, this bundle brings not only profit, but the possibility to acquire a property with only one payment, depending on the CRH Token Value at the moment.
The Founder Bundle you are guaranteed to obtain the property that you wish! By having 25.000$ worth of Token in your possession you maximize a relevant capital in the real-estate industry.
Poartă numele de Pachet Fondator deoarece fiecare Token cumpărat reprezintă un anumit procent din acțiunile CRYPTOHOUSE, iar prin achiziționarea lui, deții o mare parte a PRIMUL TOKEN IMOBILIAR DIN ROMÂNIA!
CryptoHouse comes with a much-expected concept! Before, to invest in real estate you had to have at least 100.000$, and you would have got your investment back in 5 years, best case! Now, with 1000$, 5000$ aside, you can profit from the real estate market in a much shorter time!
The bank's interest right now scares me financially, a lot! You end up paying 170.000€ for a suite that is 90.000€ and that is absurd! I now invest in CRYPTOHOUSE to be able to pay all the money at once for an apartment, without any third party.
I joined a Zoom meeting and saw exactly what I wanted to! I heard about buying real estate with crypto before, but no one was offering a legal environment. Here we have it simple, paperwork at every acquisition, contract, all that I need!
I invested in pre-sale at 0.9$, just a bit more and I start choosing which apartment I want! I don't want it for me, but my niece wants to study in Cluj-Napoca and this opportunity fits like a glove!
The real estate industry will soon be grateful for the existence of Cryptohouse.
You buy a house for up to 10% of it's value
You have the possibilty to earn more capital by becoming a CRH Stakeholder
You protect you savings form the danger of inflation by transferring it to valuable real-estate assets
You save up money which devalues while the price of a house increases continuously
You end up paying 20 to 30 years of installments, being in constant danger of eviction
Paying your debt becomes the main financial purpose, with little amounts to spend on what you love
Plata ratelor ajunge un scop principal, lăsându-te fără posibilitatea altor cheltuieli
Real-estate tokens will become the main investment mechanism in the industry, being the simplest, most conveniet and SAFEST form of progress for both proprety developers and costumers.
Tokenization allows people all around the world to invest in real estate without having the sufficient captial to buy a whole residence.
CRYPTOHOUSE (CRH) directly finances ongoing real estate projects through its constant growing community.
The original Bitcoin code was created by Satoshi Nakamoto under the open source of MIT. In 2008, Nakamoto described the idee behind Bitcoin in it’s WhitePaper, which explained scientifically how will the financial system of cryptocurrencies will work.
The main role of a whitepaper is to educate its audience towards a particular subject, to explain and promote the methodology of a specific business. The attached documentation represents a brief guide which informs its readers in a concise manner the complex issue and growth system of a cryptocurrency along with the vision and the values of the business.
Download PDFFrom the estimated data in the private sales period and the frequency of the settelments with the property developers and real-estate agents, the CRH Token is planned regarding the following milestones:
The Token sales and the real-estate acquisition begins.
The real-estate portfolio is growing1
The release of the first staking year
The real-estate portfolio extends to luxury houses and holiday destinations
Real-estate porfolio over 40.000.000$
CRH becomes the main real-estate exchange in Romania, whilst developing in other countries as well.
1 CRH=20$
CRH Token can be traded directly from any device. Regarding the comissions, those are calculated instantly and the money are redirected automatically towards the active stakehoders that recomended the Token. This rewarding system ensures the growth of the Token value and also offers the posibility to accumulate withdrawble capital for personal use or further investments.
Mobile phone, tablet, PC or laptop, you can trade CRH quickly and easily.
Simple, easy and safe in a highly secure wallet.
We use the advantages of the blockchain tehnology to form a profitable real-estate acquisition system.
For further information about the real-estate portfolio do not hesitate to contact the CRYPTOHOUSE team!
The Q/A section is meant to clarify certain details for the CRH community.
Registered Office Suite 305, Griffith Corporate Centre, Beachmont, Kingstown Address. St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
+4 0743 108 228
Str. Henri Barbusse. Nr. 59-61, Cluj-Napoca